Einstein, may I inherit your brain?

I don’t own a diary where I can jot down my plans, plus twitter oddly not working on my computer (or is it because of the so fucking lembab connection?), so I choose to list these down here instead.

#1 tomorrow main focus; copy Melina’s answers for question 2 audit.
#2 submit audit and tax tutorials by 5pm. +Malaysian economy project paper!
#3 join Melina’s tax class; tomorrow at 11am so I can start my mid break one day early (my class is actually on Friday morning).
#4 study for upcoming quiz; auditing, advanced accounting management (both on Wednesday) and advanced financial accounting (on Thursday).
#5 decide whether to buy that MK’s sunglasses or not. But let me tell you, its freaking awesome. Not that im going to wear it but who knows kan? *sold out!*
#6 start packing for my trip to Kedah, hooray! Okay, the main objective is actually for assignment purposes but come on, take a break yo!
#7 August 8 – August 16 should be my favourite period of the month.
#8 hang out with my bestfriend, Daia! After so much gadoh hempas pintu, merajuk tidur atas lantai, jeling terbalik, caci maki scenes, she is still the best (so far).

*If you hate me, leave me. Be selfish.